Monday, May 26, 2008

Lavender Spirit Quartz Metaphysical Properties!

Good morning Puppylovers! Late last night I posted a lavender spirit quartz pendant--the last crystal like that I have (probably can't get more until the Tucson Gems Show in January). Also listed is the last aqua aura spirit quartz that I have. People love these--I wish I had bought more for my inventory when I had the chance!

Metaphysical properties of Lavender Spirit Quartz: Lavender quartz is a variation of rose quartz with a lovely lavender color. It shares the rose quartz energy of universal and self love, activating the heart chakra. In addition, it is thought to open the third eye and promote clairvoyance, clairsentience and clairaudience. The spirit quartz formation consist of a core quartz nodule covered with a beautiful sparkling drusy formation. It facilitates intellectual and emotional advancement, eliminating illusion in one’s perception. This special formation resonates with the highest of all chakras, the crown chakra, and has the wonderful ability to transmute the negative into the positive!

I have many pretty things that I will be posting today, including tanzan aura quartz with moldavite and tanzanite adornments, botswana agate, black moonstone, peruvian blue opal and others! Puppy's getting ambitious here!
Here's a peak into the puppy love jewelry store: