A lady messaged me saying she was having some extreme panic issues and wanted to learn how to meditate with crystals. I ended up writing her this really long email this morning, so I figured I would post some of it here for anyone whose curious!
I guess there are many ways to meditate with crystals, but there are some basic things that everybody likes to go by and this is the way that I use and like best.
First, you must understand that you have chakras, the 7 (actually there are more, but 7 main ones) kind of energy centers in your body. Well, they have colors associated with them too. An easy rule is to pick a stone the same color as the chakra for that chakra, although there are always some unusual ones that are different. And you can't mess up! Its not like something bad will happen and the universe will implode if you use a throat chakra stone on you solar plexus chakra!

The first or "base chakra", located at the very base of your spine, is about wanting to exist in the physical world, survival, passion for life. Some stones for it would be rough ruby or garnet, red jasper.
The second chakra, sometimes known at the "tribal" or "sexual" chakra, is located in your pelvis just above your pubic bone. Its color is orange and this chakra is all about relationships, connections, and again intensity. Some good stones would be carnelian or tangerine quartz.
The third chakra, the "solar plexus" is located between your ribcage and your navel. It is about our sense of self or ego (not in an arrogant way) in the physical world. It is associated with the color yellow and some stones would be citrine or topaz.
The fourth chakra (my personal favorite!!) is the "heart chakra" located in the center of the sternum (breastbone). This one is all about emotions and sadly it is where much emotional pain can accumulate. Now this one is different in that there are TWO colors associated with it--pink and green. This means there are a ton of stones for the heart chakra...rose quartz, jade, rhodochrosite, chrysoprase and pink kunzite, just to name a few!
The fifth chakra is the "throat chakra" located at the base of the neck. It is all about expression of course (not just speaking your truth, but living your truth, manifesting your truth, etc). Its color is blue. Some stones would be aquamarine and larimar.
The sixth chakra is the "third eye" (confusing, I know) located in the middle of the forehead just above the brow line. This chakra is all about your innate ability to see and perceive beyond what is in this world! And here the color system breaks down a bit. An indigo stone such as iolite is a good choice, but there are many others good for the third eye-herkimer diamond is a nice one! Many violet stones also resonate with this chakra.
The crown chakra is focused actually several inches up off the top of your head (at least for meditation purposes, the way I've been taught). It is a gateway to all of the chakras in your body and is associated with the colors violet and white! Quartz crystal is an excellent choice for this chakra as is amethyst.
Now, when you meditate with stones, you need at least one stone for each chakra, a grounding stone at your feet and two pointed crystals to hold in your hands (like nice sized quartz crystals or whatever you are drawn to).
The idea of grounding is that it drains any excess energy from us that we do not want there, kind of a negativity vacuum. Good grounding stones are Howlite, hematite, pyrite and black tourmaline.
So you lie down flat on your bed with a pillow for your head, a blankie near you in case you get cold, and your stones in a pile in your hand or within reach.
You place the grounding stone about 6-12 inches down from your feet. Then you lay the red stone on the base chakra, the orange stone of the pelvic chakra and so on up until you are lying flat reaching up over your head to set the crown chakra stone in place 6-12 inches above your head. Now you have all your stones in place--be still all they will wobble off! Take your two larger quartz crystals. Place one with the point touching the palm of your left hand and place the other with the point facing out in your right hand (arms should be resting out at your sides with the crystals in them).
Basically, once you do this you can then use whatever meditation technique works best for you. I like to deep breath imagining that I'm getting rid of everything that feels blah and yucky in waves going down to the grounding stone as I exhale. I do that for awhile until I feel a difference. Then I focus on each chakra and the stone there starting at the base and going up, trying to build the energy towards my crown chakra. When I get to the crown chakra, i imagine mine open with white light from the universe, god, whatever you wish to call it streaming in. Then I focus upon my hands. The left hand if for receiving the energy of the stone, so I just focus on letting that in. Then the right hand is for manifesting in this world what you want, kind of like holding a wand! That part is fun! I focus on everything i wish to create and manifest in this life (which has a much higher probablility of manifesting, when you are in a deep meditative state like that)! Then I just get quiet and try to still all thoughts so that anything can come in that I am meant to hear. I usually just feel all the stones at once and end up falling asleep. Its nice!
Please be careful with many of the inexpensive "chakra sets" for sale all over the internet. I seriously do not recommend them as many are cheaply manufactured and probably made from reconstructed (fake) stones. If you have a rock & mineral or metaphysical shop near you, then you can pick your own stones out and know that you are probably getting something real and also the stone that has spoken to you!
There you have it! You can do this for just 15 minutes a day, and it makes a huge difference in your overall well-being. I know its hard when we get busy, and we all tend to put such things aside, but in the end they are some of the most important things in life!
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